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3 months ago by Ger Lawlor
Grad Job Search P1

You’ve finished your college course, received your results and are now the proud owner of a 3rd Level degree or diploma. What next? Unless you plan to take time out to travel or pursue some other interest, you’re likely looking for a job. This means you’re ready to step onto the first rung of your career ladder, which is a pivotal moment in your life and worth putting some effort into. Here are some important items to consider to help you move in the right direction and find a career that’s most suitable for you. Remember, you’ll likely be working for the next four decades or more, so take note of what Confucius said…

“Find a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Defining Career Goals

Let’s start at the very beginning then as the song goes by defining your career goals. Key among these is the industry sector you want to work in. If your qualification is specific e.g. Civil Engineer, this will lead you into the Construction sector. However, a more general degree like HR Management will allow you to move into any number of industries.

Another consideration is whether you want to work locally or wish to travel. Being willing to travel may open more opportunities with larger companies and lead to greater career progression in the long run. However, if you’re involved in clubs and organisations in your area, you may prefer to work locally.

Reflect on previous working experience and any work placements/internships you participated in while studying. Think about the elements you enjoyed and what you disliked, and use this as a guide to the type of work you’d like to pursue for a career. It’s also worth identifying the types of roles that stimulate/excite you to help ensure you don’t end up in a mundane job. Armed with this reflection you can now define your career path and take the next step in the process.

Create a Strong CV and Cover Letter

Your CV and Cover Letter should have something in common, they must always be tailored to the role you’re applying for. Remember, this is the first contact you’ll have with prospective employers and ‘first impressions last’ as the saying goes. Take specifics from the job description and person specification for each role and customise your CV to best match your qualifications, skills and experiences to the role’s requirements. Try to keep the CV to two pages with relevant headings for separate sections. This will help the person reading it identify the information they’re seeking about you. The last thing you want to do is annoy the hiring manager with a poor-quality CV and have it discarded without consideration!

Write a compelling, personalised Cover Letter, again specific to the role you’re applying for. Use this opportunity to highlight why you are an ideal candidate for the job and how you would enhance the company’s workforce.

This concludes Part 1 of the Job Search Strategies for Recent Graduates blog. Part 2 will follow next week, so keep an eye on our website and social media to ensure you get the full benefit of the valuable guidance related to this topic.