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about 1 month ago by Clive Dunne
Time Management

Time is precious, and for most of us using our time wisely and productively usually requires an uncomfortable and radical shift in mind-set. Jumping from one thing to another and finishing nothing is unfortunately the norm for some, a habit that results in inefficiency and time wasting. You must have a systematic approach to time management which will result in a less stressful way of getting things done first time. To help you on your way try adopting these time management tips.

1. Use to-do lists, they are so effective in time management. You should start by getting yourself a good daily diary. Every Sunday evening take five minutes out and make it your business to plan and write down the top 10/20 items that you wish to have completed next week, day by day. First thing every morning review the list for that day and add the finer details. For instance, jot down who you need to call that day and the times things need to happen to meet your plan. Just make sure you write your to-dos down; it allows you to de-clutter your mind and to focus on completing tasks instead of trying to remember what they were.

2. Allocate time to do important tasks, stick to the times allocated and don’t be afraid to tell people that you’re busy during these periods, even if that means telling people Not now! Initially when you adopt this approach others might think it quite rude that you have fobbed them off, but they will get used to it. Regarding what they wanted to talk to you about, nine times out of 10 they will have managed to sort it out for themselves. Bonus!

3. During busy time slots, turn off all social media platforms and concentrate solely on the task at hand, unless of course you use them for business.

4. Pencil in certain times during the day to reply to emails.

5. In your daily diary, identify days that are productive and what it was about that day that made it more productive. When you identify these productive factors, try to introduce them into every day.