
Job Seeker

The Elk team will support you every step of the way and find you the job you want

What Elk offers you, the Jobseeker!


Our recruitment process is clear, transparent, communicative and honest. As a proud member of the Employment and Recruitment Federation in Ireland we are governed to comply with best-in-class recruitment practices.


Our team and available partners are dedicated, experienced & qualified to assist you every step of the way, whether that’s your career choice, career advancement or career change.


Elk Recruitment are unlike most recruitment companies in that we have actually worked in the façade, manufacturing, operations arena in senior positions for privately owned and multinational glass, aluminium and steel organisations in Europe and the Middle East for over 16 years.


This can range from career advice, CV assistance, skills analysis, job-description creation, job boards, social media, head hunting, meeting with connections or advertisement on radio or national newspapers in a confidential manner with your personal brand protection at the forefront.


Elk can produce some of the best CV’s in the industry and this ability and knowledge we pass to you, our candidates, to ensure your application is the best it can be. After all, your CV/Resume is your professional passport and our aim is to impress not depress the reader.


Due to our close connections in Europe, Asia, North & South America, we are always up-to-date on salary developments within these regions and can always advise a candidate or client which remuneration packages are standard at that time for any position.


We have an excellent network of connections at all levels throughout the curtain-walling industry in many countries which gives us access to the best jobs and best candidates.


We are here to guide and help you every step of the way through this process. You will note from our customer service that we enjoy what we do and aim to always exceed your expectations. This approach has enabled Elk to build lasting relationships with both clients and candidates.