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3 months ago by Ger Lawlor
Grad Job Search P2

Welcome to Part 2 of our blog about job search strategies for recent college graduates. Part 1 covered defining career goals and creating a strong CV and cover letter. We move on now to the next phase, practical measures to utilise your resources and promote yourself.

Leverage Your Network

At this stage of life, you’ll have built up a network of people who can support you with advice and information. The primary support is your family which has already guided you through school and college and may have a wealth of knowledge to offer you. They know you intimately and can guide you towards a career that best fits your personality, interests and qualifications. They may also provide support in the early stages of your career e.g. financial assistance.

Similarly, your friends, college lecturers, classmates and previous employers may have a wealth of information to help you find the best route to your career path. These people also have a network which they can tap into for information, contacts and leads to jobs. Some jobs are not advertised but filled by recommendations from trusted connections. Your network may be able to introduce you to companies which have roles to offer that you would not have known about.

Networking also involves attending job fairs and industry events, where you’ll get the opportunity to introduce yourself to business owners and HR managers. Ensure you have a good ‘elevator pitch’ ready in the event of getting to speak to some of these people. Also, bring copies of your CV to distribute to potential employers.

Recruitment Agencies, Job Portals and Company Websites

A simple online search will find recruitment agencies that hire for the industry you’re interested in. Search the jobs pages on their websites to find available vacancies and explore them. Read the job descriptions and person specifications to find roles that match your skills and experiences. Apply for these jobs but ensure that your CV and cover letter is tailored to the exact criteria for the role. You can also reach out directly to the consultant managing a role to extract more details or clarify items you’re unsure of.

Jobs Boards such as Indeed and Glassdoor will have lots of jobs to choose from. Once again, read the criteria required for each role and apply for any jobs that appeal to you. I’ll say it again, fine tune your CV and cover letter to the requirements of the role!

If a company has a website, it will have a list of available jobs. You can apply online or by application form if that’s applicable. If you know anyone working in a company you’re applying for a job to, you can talk to them and perhaps gain some valuable insights or information. They may be able to give you contact details for the best person to talk to in relation to the role.

LinkedIn Profile

At this stage you should have updated your LinkedIn profile with all relevant information that would help you to secure a job. Your education, qualifications, skills, and experience must be visible to prospective employers. You should also connect with people who work in the industry you’re interested in and follow relevant companies on the platform. You’re now well on the way to securing a place in your desired career.

This concludes Part 2 of the Job Search Strategies for Recent Graduates blog. Part 3 will follow next week, so keep an eye on our website and social media to ensure you get the full benefit of the valuable guidance related to this topic.