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2 months ago by Clive Dunne
Understanding You
Understanding YOU is an important key to success

Having a goal and driving towards that goal is extremely important, however it does not necessarily mean you will achieve it as most successful people will tell you. We all need tools to get there, we need to know how to use them and the most important tool you possess is YOU!

An important first step to your success is defining and understanding who you are internally, and why (motivating factors) you want to achieve this particular goal. Undertaking this process and understanding its results makes the tough road to success more sustainable and achievable as you are paving the way with a solid foundation.

Look Inside

Take the time to understand yourself, this means conducting somewhat of an internal SWOT analysis to identify the areas of you that are strong, areas that are weak, areas of you that will create opportunities and areas that can cause you problems. The end result of this exercise is a list of positive and negative traits which can include poor communication, lack of apathy, education, poor attention to detail, excellent drive and positivity to being focused, assertive and caring.

This internal dissection is hard initially, but if you truly listen to your inner voice and take the time to audit yourself truthfully as a vehicle to achieving your goals, you will quickly become stronger and more equipped to achieve that goal, along with becoming a better person in the process. This really is an important key to success.

Fill in the Blanks and Improve

Identifying your internal weaknesses is an extremely important and positive step in self-development and defining your keys to success. Don’t let its findings put you off or shock you. We all have limitations and the quicker we understand and identify these limitations the better. Looking outside after conducting this internal analysis is imperative for two reasons,

1. Now that you have identified areas for improvement, you need to compensate for internal weaknesses by possibly retraining yourself, upskilling, finding your motivating factors, being more positive or partnering with someone who has the skills you are lacking.

2. You need to also identify and address the negative external factors that are preventing you from achieving that goal. This can range from negative people, negative external relationships and the environment you operate in.

Understanding you at a deeper level, internally and externally, can only be beneficial and will most definitely bring about a stronger more resilient you. YOU are a tool that you can rely on when all else fails, after all, it’s you that success will be come from, not your product or your market - it is you who is your key to success.

“We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are”

Jim Rohn